Faculty Info


 The Faculty of Management Science was established with the aim to manage the educational services provided at Petchaburi IT Campus in accordance with the resolution of the University Council adopted in March 2002. Later, the Faculty was promoted as the working unit having the status equivalent to the faculty under the supervision of Silpakorn University in accordance with the resolution of the University Council and the announcement of theUniversity on the establishment and division of departments under the supervision of Silpakorn University on 9 July 2003.

         The Faculty of Management Science is hieratically administered with an internal management structure, as exhibited by the structural diagram under the supervision of the highest superior, i.e. the rector appointed by the University Council. The Faculty also consists of sub-departments or programs supervised by the department/program heads and deputy heads appointed by the University Council as the academic supervisors
          The Executive Committee of the Faculty of Management Science, also appointed by University, has similar duties and responsibilities as the Department Committee, while the division committees have been appointed by the Faculty of Management Science, e.g. Academic Committee, Curriculum Committee, Student Affairs Committee, and so on. However, since the Faculty of Management Science does not have its own secretary office, it shares the office of Petchaburi IT Campus with academic personnel and temporary staffs instead.   

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