Guardians for New Students

Freshmen Welcoming Ceremony

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As the first steps of the academic and personal experience at the University, the students have to adjust themselves to the new atmosphere, both physically and emotionally. So, the purpose of the freshmen welcoming ceremony is to enhance the unity and good relationship among the students studying in the same faculty. Various activities will be created and provided by the senior students. Such activities should be creatively and strictly organized under the rules and regulations of the University; they should not demoralize, harm, or violate the personal rights of the new students. Apart from this, the students should be willing to join the activities supervised by the advisors of student affairs. The freshmen welcoming ceremony is not allowed to be organized outside the University. 


Regulations: The freshmen welcoming ceremony has been traditionally been inherited from generation to generation with the main objective to maintain the good culture of the faculty and to enhance good relationships among the students. As a rule, the students should willingly participate in the activities. In case of any violation against the rules and regulations of the faculty, the students should report it to the academic advisors or the division of student affairs for further proceedings.


(Second Column – Center )

The Faculty of Management Science was established in 2001 as the 12th faculty of Silpakorn University and as the 2nd faculty of Silpakorn University, Petchaburi IT Campus providing academic services since 2002.

At present, the baccalaureate curriculum consists of seven programs, as follows:

Program of General Business Management;
Program of Tourism Management;
Program of Community Management;
Program of Marketing;
Program of Hotel Business and Accommodation;
Program of Business Management and English
Program of Public Administration

Program of Accountancy

Program of Exhibition and Event Management


Three programs of the graduate curriculum:

Program of Entrepreneurship; 

Program of Public and Private Management; and
Program of Public Administration

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